Screw it. Here you go: (Google Docs)
Protip: Don't use either of the multiplayer options unless you have a penchant for ruination and failure. Or at least, crashes and failure.
Not much has changed for the single-player campaign, except that larger rooms use a different generation algorithm, and item placement has been improved a bit.
Probably 95% of the networking code is done, it's just that the last 5% will turn it from bugsy crashesalot, into actually functional.
Mid-week update coming hopefully soon, once I fix this damn thing. Then I'll talk for a while and it'll be lovely.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
More De Lays
It'll be done when it's done, dammit.
Sweet zombie Jesus, this is a headache. Being so close to done and not having stuff work is mildly infuriating
Sweet zombie Jesus, this is a headache. Being so close to done and not having stuff work is mildly infuriating
De Lays
This week's update isn't quite ready yet, sorry.
It will be up sometime tomorrow - I know all three of you reading this are very disappointed.
Just know that, this was a huge headache:
Friday, May 27, 2011
Networking Base
Got the basics of the multiplayer in place. Tons of work left to do for it, but the big scary step into the realm of networking code has been taken. Details at 11 (i.e. Saturday).

Sunday, May 22, 2011
Duckbill: Week 2
No time to talk, download this: (Google Docs)
Don't worry that the revision number went down, that's because the revisions were reset when migrating from Google Code to Assembla.
- Random map generation
- Random platform generation
- Three kinds of item
- Lighting system
- Shoot badguys
- Maybe it'll hang when you create a new map. If it does, the chances should be slim, so quit and try again.
- You can fall into a room you can't jump out of. The entire map is visible from the get-go, so if this happens it's kind of your fault (see How to Read the Map), but it still sucks so I'm working on it.
- For that matter, sometimes the random platforms will generate in such a way that makes jumping to the next room difficult or impossible. I know how to fix it; that's coming up next week.
- Generating larger maps takes a while now that I'm placing platforms in each one.
How to Read the Map:
Color of room corresponds to how high it expects you can jump. The colors go Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Holyshityou'restillplaying. If a room is slightly darker with a gray outline, it's a darkened room, and you'll probably want to get a light upgrade before you go in. If a room has a red outline, there are enemies in it, and you might want to find a gun first.
Also: arrowkeys will move the map, and plus or minus will zoom or shrink it, respectively.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Project Duckbill
Remember how I said it was open-source?
I decided that I want to try my hand at maybe making some money off this someday. For that to work, I can't exactly have the source code available free of charge now can I? That and I'd only open-sourced it because Google Code makes you. Assembla? Doesn't.
Anyway, in the realm of good news, I got my scheduled features for this week done already. Which means I can talk about stuff for a bit.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Duckbill: Week 1
So I started fiddling about with XNA recently. As in, Tuesday or so. Here's the start of the engine that I got done this week. I decided I'll try my hand at Agile programming for a change, releasing early and often.
Here I've released far too early; there's more missing than there is implemented. In fact the game itself is little more than a platforming engine demo.
Enough stalling:
Windows-only (for now and a while; it may be possible to release an XNA game for Linux, but I wouldn't hold my breath)
I have no idea what the system requirements are because I haven't tested the distributable on not-my-machine at all
I've decided that I will release a new version of this every week until unfeasible; i.e. school starts again or I get a job. This will serve to 1: give me deadlines, and 2: let people see a game evolve. The first is the most important, because the most crucial thing I've learned from taking Game Dev courses is just how much work one can accomplish with a deadline looming over you. Not only do they make you work for about twelve hours straight (probably not going to be killing myself like that for this, though), but they also make you prioritize what to finish and what to cut, or at least what to do after the important things are taken care of.
Also, actually releasing games helps make sure said games are usable. Rouge was fairly impenetrable to almost everyone but me, and most people didn't even notice the hastily tacked-on keybindings button I added at the last minute. This game has obvious instructions! And less keys! So far.
(Incidentally, I have too many plans for Rouge to really start anywhere on them at the moment. I fully intend to get back there again, but not at the moment. Maybe after I get busy again.)
What is this game, anyway? Codename Duckbill is a tile-based platformer. What it will become is a procedurally generated Metroid-style game with multiplayer support. I have barely any idea how to do that, but that's where the fun will be.
Oh, and it's open-source. Kind of. I won't listen to anybody who tries to send me code, but as per the requirements of Google Code, the code is open. It's here if anybody's interested. I'm using the MIT license, because as far as I can tell that's as close to the WTFPL as they would let me use.
Edit: realized I didn't actually distribute said license in the .zip file OH WELL PRETEND IT'S THERE
Edit: realized I didn't actually distribute said license in the .zip file OH WELL PRETEND IT'S THERE
Friday, May 6, 2011
Turns out that when you're programming games for class, it leaves precious little time to program games for yourself because if you're working on a game that isn't the one you need to have finished by a certain deadline then what the hell are you doing?
Anyway, I'm exhausted beyond all reason. More on that later maybe.
Here's the game I spent the past semester on. Unlike the other games I've made as part of class, I feel comfortable posting this here because I made 100% of it. Well, other people helped get the initial design - in fact it wasn't my idea to start with. More on that later maybe.
Enough of my delirious rambling; game time!
Game name: Good Question
Genre: Cards
Difficulty Level: Confusing at First
Operating Systems: All of them, if you've got Python
Screenshots: if I feel like it (coming soon)
(more download links later/eventually, in case Docs decides to be a jerk or something)
If feedback is alarmingly positive, I might keep going with this a little and include simple network play or better AI or something snazzy like that.
Coming soon: SLEEP
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